
XIII Spring Health Festival was visited by over 20,000 people!


In Belgrade Youth Center a two-day XIII  Spring Festival of Health under the slogan “Make this day something good for your health” completed. The Festival was covered by both domestic and foreign media! Citizens were able to check their general health for free, to socialize with doctors, pharmacists and students while the youngest were drawing and enjoying the “Children’s Corner”.

Naša misija, kako kroz Festival zdravlja tako i kroz druge aktivnosti, je da objasnimo delovanje homeopatije i građanima približimo prirodan način lečenja koji prema izveštajima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije pored kineske medicine zauzima drugo mesto u svetu.

Our mission, through the Festival of Health and through other activities, is to explain the functioning of homeopathy and to meet citizens to the natural way of treatment which occupies second place in the world according to the World Health Organization,

If you missed this gathering, see you soon in many events as part of the Global Week of homeopathy.